Township Officials
Board of Supervisors
Franconia is a Second Class Township governed by five supervisors, elected at-large for staggered six-year terms. In compliance with the Second Class Township Code and the Pennsylvania Municipalities Code, the Supervisors oversee:
- Construction and maintenance of roads and bridges
- Zoning and subdivision of land
- Regulation of building and construction
- Highway lighting, signing, and signalization
- Designating funds for fire and emergency services
- Parks and recreation programs
- Regulations to promote the welfare of the community
The Board establishes Township policy, adopts legislation, and grants final approval of the many functions of Township government at public meetings.
Current Members

Grey R. Godshall Chairman

David B. Fazio 1st Vice Chairman

Robert H. Nice 2nd Vice Chairman

Jill Halteman Supervisor

Dr. Charles Amuso Supervisor
Township Solicitor
Dischell, Bartle & Dooley, P.C.
1800 Pennbrook Parkway, Suite 200
Lansdale, PA 19446
Township Engineer
Gilmore & Associates, Inc.
65 East Butler Avenue, Suite 100
New Britain, PA 18901
Planning Commission
Planning Commission members, appointed by the Board of Supervisors, review and comment on all land development and subdivision applications submitted to the Township for code compliance. The Commission considers the impacts of proposed development on roadways and surrounding properties; assesses each application for landscape buffers, street trees, and pedestrian and vehicular circulation; and reviews and updates planning documents such as the Franconia Township Comprehensive Plan. Each member is appointed to a four-year term.
Current Members
- John Medendorp, Vice Chairman
- Douglas P. Worley, Secretary
- George Balzer
- Nancy Shelly
- Steven P. Barndt
- Paul Nice
- Vacancy
Act 537 Committee
The Act 537 Committee is responsible for the planning associated with providing for the public health of the community through wastewater facilities management and sewer management.
- Alfred S. Ciottoni, P.E.
- Douglas C. Rossino, P.E.
- Russell Dunlevy, P.E.
- Robert H. Nice
- David B. Fazio
- Daniel Leidy
- John Medendorp
- George E. Witmayer, FSA
- Jon A. Hammer, Township Manager
Parks and Recreation Board
- Nancy Shelly, Chairman
- Maureen Yothers, Secretary
- Kevin Nice
- Steve Hunsberger
- Lisa Musselman
- Elaine Feiss
- Vacancy
Agricultural Advisory Committee
The committee members are responsible for reviewing all Agricultural Security Area applications and making recommendations to the Board of Supervisors, as well as reviewing farms requesting inclusion in the Montgomery County Farm Preservation program. The members meet as necessary to process applications.
- W. Blaine Souder
- David K. Yoder
- Curtis F. Nice
- Grey R. Godshall
- Vacancy
Emergency Management Agency
- Ben Shearer, Coordinator
- Jon A Hammer, Township Manager
- Michael L. Martin, Chief of Police
- Tony Frydlewicz, Public Works Director
- James K. Minninger, III
- Andrew Van Der Kleut
- Vacancy
Montgomery County Health Department
1430 DeKalb Street
P.O. Box 311
Norristown, PA 19404
610-970-5040 ext. 4216
Jennifer Mercurio
Rachel DeMarzio
610-278-5117 (water)
North Penn Water Authority Representative
- George Witmayer
Zoning Hearing Board
- Robert S. Louden, Chairman
- Kyle Rodgers, Vice Chairman
- Roger M. Koffel, Member
- Daniel L. Leidy Sr., Alternate
Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor
Christen G. Pionzio, Esquire
375 Morris Road
PO Box 1479
Lansdale, PA 19446-0773
Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer
- Gerald Rittenhouse, Part-time
- Timothy Meyers, Full time
Public Works Director
- Anthony Frydlewicz
Open Records Officers
- Township - Jon A. Hammer, Township Manager
- Police - Michael L. Martin, Police Chief
- Franconia Sewer Authority - Stacey Singrella, Sewer Administrator
If you would like to volunteer for a Board or Commission, please click here and complete an application.
Franconia Sewer Authority
Appointed by the Board of Supervisors, each member of the Franconia Sewer Authority (FSA) serves a five-year term, with one member being reappointed or replaced each calendar year. The FSA directs sewer debt management and upkeep of existing sewer lines and pump stations, recommends expansion of service when necessary, reviews all developments requiring public sewer lines, sets the rates, and handles all sewer billing.
Current Members
- Robert J. Davies, Chairman
- Robert Nice, Treasurer
- Jill Halteman
- Michael Alderfer
- Rodney Kratz
Sewer Authority Executive Director
George Witmayer
671 Allentown Road
Telford PA 18969
Sewer Authority Engineer
Alfred S. Ciottoni, P.E.
SC Engineers, Inc.
P.O. Box 407
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Sewer Authority Solicitor
Eric C. Frey, Esquire
Dischell, Bartle & Dooley, P.C.
1800 Pennbrook Parkway, Suite 200
Lansdale, PA 19446