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Sewer Authority

Sewer Authority

671 Allentown Road
Telford, PA 18969

Phone: (215) 723-1137

Monday-Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Telephone & Email Directory

Name Title Telephone
George Witmayer
Executive Director (215) 723-1137 x610
Stacey Singrella
Business Manager (215) 723-1137 x609

Online Payments

Franconia Sewer Authority (FSA) now accepts online payments for sewer service. FSA has contracted with a third party to offer online bill paying. The third party accepts Visa, MasterCard, and Discover credit cards as well as eChecks.

Make an Online Payment


The Franconia Sewer Authority (FSA) provides public sewer service to residents of Franconia Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, and surrounding communities.

Our mission is to promote a cleaner environment by providing safe, environmentally sound wastewater treatment in the most cost-effective way.

The Authority's responsibilities include:

  • Keeping up on existing sewer lines and pump stations
  • Recommending expansion of service, when necessary
  • Reviewing all developments requiring public sewer lines
  • Setting rates
  • Managing all sewer billing
  • Managing debt
  • Waste Water Treatment Plant: The new state-of-the-art treatment facility is operational and is providing sewage treatment for the Lower Skippack area of the Township.