Township Manager
Jon A. Hammer
Appointed by the Board of Supervisors to carry out its policies, the manager serves as a liaison between the Board and the residents.
Director of Administration and Community Development
Beth T. Gooch
Beth Gooch is responsible for administering the land development/subdivision process by guiding developers/applicants through the different stages of development while managing escrow accounts in conjunction with the various projects and reviews building permits for zoning compliance. Other duties include ordinance administration, TRAISR database administration, and website updating. She acts as the employee representative to the Planning Commission and the Zoning Hearing Board. The Director of Administration and Community Development also provides information and assistance to residents and all administrative staff, except for police admin, report to her.
Fiscal Clerk
Pamela Pennie
Pamela Pennie is responsible for accounts payable, accounts receivable, managing payroll, as well as the banking for the Township. Additionally, she assists with putting the budget together and day-to-day administrative duties along with the rest of the office staff.
Administrative Staff
Nicole Goldsworthy
Nicole Goldsworthy welcomes visitors and answers calls, coordinates all appointments for the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officers, facilitates all building permits, and various other duties as directed by Township management.
Deb Boyles
Deb Boyles is the Township Parks & Recreation Board Staff Member. She is in the office part time. Deb assists in the daily administration of the office, including support to the Public Works Department, tracking Right-to-Know Requests and assisting in maintaining the website.
FSA Staff
Executive Director
George E. Witmayer
George Witmayer oversees the general planning and administrative functions of the Sewer Authority. He provides assistance and guidance to developers and residents with sewer concerns or questions. He is responsible for the formulation and maintenance of the yearly budget. He is also responsible to arrange for the upkeep of existing sewer lines and pump stations and to ensure that the wastewater treatment plant is operating properly. The treatment plant has a full-time operator and a part-time assistant operator.
Franconia Sewer Authority Business Manager
Stacey Singrella
Stacey Singrella is responsible for quarterly sewer billings, sewer accounts payables and receivables, prepares monthly Sewer Authority financial reports, and other administrative duties in conjunction with the Sewer Authority.
Franconia Sewer Authority Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators
Davon Good
Full-time Operator
JoAnne Strom
Part-time Operator
Township Engineer
Gilmore & Associates, Inc.
Appointed and directed by the Board of Supervisors, the engineer directs the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, and repair of streets, roads, pavements, sanitary sewers, bridges, culverts, and other engineering work. He also prepares plans and schedules, specifications, and estimates of Township, and provides the Board of Supervisors with additional reports or information.
Township Solicitor
Eric Wert, Esquire
Dischell, Bartle & Dooley, P.C.
Township Solicitor Eric Wert represents the Township and the Board of Supervisors. He prepares and approves any bonds, obligations, contracts, leases, conveyances, ordinances, and assurances involving the Township. Mr. Wert represents the Township regarding matters of estates, rights, trusts, privileges, claims, or demands. He also provides the Board of Supervisors, upon request, with an opinion in writing upon any question of law.
Land Planner
Mr. Joseph Zadlo
Joseph Zadlo advises the Board of Supervisors on matters of land use planning within the Township.
Tax Collector
Wm. Keith Freed
The tax collector collects all County, Township, School, and other taxes levied, including those outlined in the Local Tax Enabling Act. In addition to the powers, duties, and responsibilities under this act, he or she exercises all the powers and performs all the duties conferred upon tax collectors by law.
Open Records Officers
Township: Jon A. Hammer, Township Manager
Police: Michael L. Martin, Police Chief
Franconia Sewer Authority: Stacey Singrella, Sewer Business Manager