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Parks & Recreation

Franconia Township Parks & Recreation Board

The Franconia Township Parks and Recreation Board is a very active group in the Township. The committee is made up of 7 volunteer residents who are appointed by the Board of Supervisors. They serve 5-year terms. The Board plans and oversees the development and improvement of Franconia Township Open Space into active and passive recreation for use of its residents and visitors. The members help organize different events within the community parks, and the Township's annual summer concert is always a resident favorite. They are also responsible for reviewing field use applications by the different organized athletic teams, as well as any other use requests that are submitted to the Township. The Board meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m., if needed. Please check the calendar on the home page of this website to determine if a meeting is being held. Winter meetings are held at the Franconia Township Building located at 671 Allentown Road. Summer meetings are held, weather permitting, at a pavilion in one of the Franconia Township Community Parks. All meetings are open to the public.

2025 Board Members:

  • Nancy Shelly - Chairperson
  • Steve Hunsberger - Secretary
  • Elaine Feiss - Member
  • Kevin Nice - Member
  • Lisa Musselman - Member
  • Vacancy - Member
  • Vacancy - Member
  • Township Staff Representative:  Deb Boyles


Current News

2024 Concert in the Park - Alex Buono Band

Sunday, August 11, 2024 once again provided the perfect weather for the township's annual summer concert.  Our band for the evening was Alex Buono Band who performed many favorites from all genres of music from the 50s to the present.

A nice crowd enjoyed themselves listening (and dancing) to the music on the lawn of Franconia Community Park.  We once again had Downtown Scoop and North Penn Goodwill food truck who provided food, drink and ice cream for purchase during the concert.

The township would like to extend their appreciation to Richard Kapusta and Company Architects and Planners, IT Landes Company, Bishop's Fencing & Outdoor Products, Asher's Chocolate Co., Judge Electrical, Inc., The Weimer Group, Bergey’s Electric, Inc., The Paragon Alliance Group LLC and KJ Doors who sponsored the event and helped to make it a great success!

We hope you can join us for our 2025 summer concert! 




Has approximately 25 acres located at 984 Camp Road along the East Branch of the Perkiomen Creek. It offers:

  • Frisbee golf course - first come, first served
  • Playground
  • Two covered pavilions (may be reserved for picnics and parties)
  • Picnic tables and benches along the creek; NO Electric, grill, portable toilet
  • 1 softball field - to be rented
  • Tennis, pickleball and basketball courts - first come, first served

Newly renovated courts were completed at Branchwood Park in the fall of 2023.  The tennis and basketball courts are used and enjoyed by many, and the six pickleball courts are a very popular addition for residents!

Disc Golf Course  


Developed through an Open Space Agreement with the Banbury Crossing residential development and Moyer Packing Company, this trail offers 2 miles for walking and jogging located directly across from Enos B. Godshall Park and continues through the Banbury Crossing Open Space.


Located on Cowpath Road.  This park will be used as a passive park for walking and picnics. The Souderton Boy Scouts of America Troop 401 has been instrumental in assisting the Township with its development. Working toward credits for their Eagle Scout awards, the scouts have built:

  • A walking trail
  • A butterfly garden
  • Birdhouses
  • Gazebo


Situated off Maple Avenue, adjacent to Spruce and Laurel Lanes, this park is comprised of 7 acres and offers a gazebo, playground and trail that connects with Lower Salford’s park and trail system.

The Indian Valley Regional Planning Commission compiled a regional recreational amenities map listing various recreational outlets throughout the six municipalities that make up the region. Franconia Community Park Rain Garden Project

The Franconia Township Public Works Department completed the installation of a rain garden at Franconia Community Park. The rain garden project was selected for grant funding through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. It provides both a mechanism for managing stormwater runoff and providing information to the park patrons about the benefits of rain gardens. Read more about the project and view additional pictures. The final plantings and signage are in place.

Pavilion Reservations and Field Reservation Applications

The Franconia Township Parks & Recreation Board begins accepting pavilion reservations and field reservation applications for any given year on the first business day after the New Year holiday. Pavilion reservations must be made in-person during normal business hours which are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.  Payment is cash only.  Field Reservation Request Forms that are received will be reviewed by the Parks & Recreation Board at their regular meeting on the second Tuesday in February, and all sports field assignments will be made at that time and all applicants will be notified about the decision on their request.

Forms associated with field rentals are found below.  If you are interested in a one-day field rental during the rental months of April through October, please contact the township office at 215-723-1137 to discuss this process and to determine availability.

Parks & Facilities

Franconia Township residents enjoy more than 100 acres of dedicated open space, whether by active recreational use, enjoyment of passive parkland, or walking along miles of trails. To see what's coming soon, view our planned park projects.


Nearly 50 acres located next to the Township Administration Building with entrances on both Allentown and Godshall Roads offers:

  • 2 covered pavilions (may be reserved for picnics and parties) - have electricity, grills and water fountains in park
  • 1 baseball and 1 softball field - to be rented
  • 1 multi-purpose field - to be rented
  • 2 soccer fields - to be rented
  • 1 roller hockey rink - first come, first served
  • 1 sand volleyball court - first come, first served
  • Basketball courts - first come, first served
  • Playground with equipment accessible to all
  • 2 miles of walking trails 
  • Winter ice skating
  • 2 tennis/pickleball courts (dual use courts) - first come, first served
  • 1 football field - to be rented
  • Concession stand - to be rented
  • Public restrooms 

Franconia Township added new play equipment with a new rubberized surface, which is the first playground in the Township that will allow children of all abilities to play together on equipment accessible to all.  The township unveiled the new playground at Franconia Community Park on Allentown Road in October 2022.

In the Summer of 2019, Eagle Scout Kyle Grant constructed an informational kiosk at Franconia Community Park.  Please stop by the kiosk when visiting the park for up-to-date information and events being sponsored by Franconia Township.

In the Fall of 2019, Eagle Scout Austin McNichols performed clean up, walk repairs and constructed and hung four bat houses at the Quince Drive Trail. Bats houses are a great way to attract bats who eat insects and reduce the mosquito population.


Forrest Meadow Park is located at the intersection of Forrest Road and Fourth Street and is a 28-acre park that has several features. The park offers:

  • 1 multi-use field
  • ½ mile walking trail
  • Covered pavilion with picnic tables (may be reserved for picnics and parties); NO electric and portable toilet
  • Playground
  • A tot-lot geared to children ages 2-5
  • A play set geared to children ages 5-12
  • Gaga pit

In the Fall of 2022, a gaga pit was constructed and added to Forrest Meadow Park as an Eagle Scout Project completed by Stephen Hradnansky.  This addition provides a great source of entertainment and play for upper elementary through middle school ages and is located under the shade of trees to protect participants from the hot sun.  Please check it out sometime!



Located at the corner of Godshall and Lower Roads.  This park remains in a natural wooded state. The park has a walking trail situated on 11 acres. It’s also available for public use from sunrise to sunset.

An Eagle Scout Project completed by Patrick van der Kleut in the Spring of 2018 now offers a resting spot along the walking trail.